In TurkmenStat
Семинар по Интерпретации данных и составления отчета по Седьмому раунду Кластерного обследования по многим показателям (MICS7)

С 20 по 22 ноября 2024 года в здании Государственного комитета Туркменистана по статистике был проведен семинар по обзору основных данных Седьмого раунда Кластерного обследования по многим показателям (MICS7), при участии представителей Туркменстат, министерств и ведомств, а также представителей Детского фонда ООН в Туркменистане (ЮНИСЕФ). Семинар открыли Заместитель председателя Туркменстат Г.Аннаниязова и заместитель представителя ЮНИСЕФ в Туркменистане Александру Нартеа. На протяжении многих лет MICS является важным источником данных о положении женщин и детей в Туркменистане. MICS – является основой для более 30 показателей ЦУР. Следует отметить, что начиная с 5 раунда MICS Туркменстат проводит обследование с использованием электронных устройств (планшеты).На семинаре были представлены различные диаграммы, демонстрирующие основные показатели по результатам обследования, включая показатели ЦУР. Данные были представлены по тематическим разделам, таким как раннее деторождение и планирование семьи, охрана здоровья детей и новорожденных, состояния питания детей, детское здоровье и лечение заболеваний, кормление детей грудного и раннего возраста, образование, основные навыки обучения и участие членов домохозяйства, дисциплинирование детей. Это обследование послужит источником информации для пополнения ряда данных по показателям Целей устойчивого развития и подготовки национальных программ и стратегий, направленных на улучшение благосостояния народа страны на ближайшие годы.

22 Nov 2024
Türkmenistanyň Statistika baradaky döwlet komiteti «E-Stathasabat we işewür-registri» atly platformany işe girizýär

Aşgabat, 2024-nji ýylyň 16-njy sentýabry – Türkmenistanyň Statistika baradaky döwlet komiteti BMG-nyň Ösüş Maksatnamasy (BMGÖM) bilen bilelikde «E-Stathasabat we işewür-registri» atly platformasynyň üstünlikli işe girizilendigini habar berdi. Bu platforma Türkmenistanda statistiki maglumatlary ýygnamagyň we işläp taýýarlamagyň  usulyny özgertmäge niýetlenendir, ol ýuridik şahslara we telekeçilere statistiki formalary onlaýn görnüşde tabşyrmaga we dolandyrmaga mümkinçilik berer. Resminamalaryň elde işlenilmegini aradan aýyrmak bilen, bu ulgam hasabatlary tabşyrmak işlerini amatly edýär we maglumatlary ýygnamagyň we seljermegiň netijeliligini ep-esli ýokarlandyrýar. Platforma has esasly çözgütleri kabul etmek üçin maglumatlaryñ hakyky wagt düzgüninde elýeterliligi gowulandyrmak, respondentler üçin administratiw harajatlary azalmak we amallary geçirmekligi ýeñilleşdirmek ýaly birnäçe artykmakçlyklary berýär. Bu innowasion platforma Türkmenistanyň sanly ulgama geçmeginde we ykdysady ösüşinde düýpli öňegidişlik bolup, statistika edaralary, şeýle-de telekeçiligi bellige almaga gatnaşýan ykdysady subýektleriň ählisi üçin hem ep-esli artykmaçlyklary üpjün etmek bilen, pudagara hyzmatdaşlygyň gowulanmagyna we umumy ykdysady netijeliligiň ýokarlanmagyna ýardam eder. Platformanyň işe girizilmegi Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ýurdumyzy 2022–2028-nji ýyllarda durmuş-ykdysady taýdan ösdürmegiň Maksatnamasyny, şeýle-de Türkmenistanyň Statistika baradaky döwlet komiteti bilen Birleşen Milletler Guramasynyň Ösüş Maksatnamasynyň arasyndaky «Milli hasaplar boýunça institusional we statistiki mümkinçiligi pugtalandyrmak» hem-de «Türkmenistanyň Statistika baradaky döwlet komitetiniň institusional, statistiki we maglumat-tehniki mümkinçiligini berkitmek» atly taslama resminamalaryny durmuşa geçirmegiň çäklerinde amala aşyryldy.

17 Sep 2024
The work of the State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan is being modernized

The State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan is modernizing its operations by implementing a digital platform for the statistics system. This platform includes the collection of statistical reporting forms via the Internet, online registration of economic entities in the statistical register, and several types of electronic services.  Based on the tasks outlined  in the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country (2022-2028), and within the framework of the projects “Strengthening the Institutional and Statistical Capacity of National Accounts” and “Strengthening the Institutional, Statistical and Information - Technical Capacity of the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan”, the State Statistics Committee  of Turkmenistan in collaboration  with the United Nations Development Program, has developed the software “E-Statistical Reporting and Business Register”. The software was launched in pilot mode on July 1, 2024, and will be fully operational from October 1, 2024.  The implementation of this software will contribute to:‒ online submission of statistical reports by respondents to statistical authorities;‒ online registration of economic entities in the statistical register;‒ quick and high-quality summarization of reports and analysis by specialists of the statistical system;‒ creation of opportunities to exchange information bases with other ministries and departments of the country;‒ saving time and consumables (paper, cartridge, transportation costs).The digital services of the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan are available on the official website 

01 Jul 2024
Expert Meeting on Statistics on Children

The delegation of Turkmenistan, consisting of the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan G.Annaniyazova and the Deputy Head of the Department of Population Statistics B.Annamukhammedova, took part in the Expert Meeting on  Statistics on Children, organized by the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Annual session of UNICEFs TransMonEE network of National Statistical Services, which was held in Geneva (Switzerland) on March 4-6, 2024.During the meeting, issues of implementation of the Guidelines on Statistics on Children and the use of all available data sources, including the results of population censuses and relevant household surveys, were discussed. Speakers on the agenda exchanged views on the experience of innovative approaches to collecting data on children.Reports from individual countries on the formation of TransMonEE, the largest database for monitoring the situation of children and compliance with children's rights for the countries of Europe and Central Asia, were also heard, and issues related to the sources of formation of this database were discussed.The results of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) are one of the sources of TransMonEE. Currently, the seventh round of MICS is being conducted in Turkmenistan by TurkmenStat. Of the five survey questionnaires, two questionnaires are aimed at obtaining data on children aged 0-17 years, covering issues of education, health, child abuse and others.

12 Mar 2024
The 55th session of the UN Statistical Commission

From February 27 to March 1, 2024, the 55th session of the UN Statistical Commission was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.The meeting was attended by heads and representatives of delegations of the Organization’s member states, as well as representatives of other organizations and experts.The Chairman of the State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan D. Amanmuhammedov took part in the session.The delegation of Turkmenistan delivered the statement on several items on the agenda of the session, in particular "Data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" and "National accounts".The participants of the session were acquainted with the transformations in the national economy and the prospects for the development of the statistical sector of Turkmenistan, as well as the process of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level through the adoption of relevant indicators. In particular, the National Platform for the Implementation of the SDGs created in the country with the support of UNDP, the next Voluntary National Review on the implementation of the SDGs presented in 2023, as well as the ongoing process of updating the System of National Accounts were emphasized.At the opening of the session, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Li Jinhua, noted the crucial role of data in measuring progress and accelerating action to achieve the SDGs, the symbolism of the adoption of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics 30 years ago, and the need to expand cooperation in innovative areas such as the development of big and publicly available data systems by modernizing statistical infrastructure.During the session, the Chairman of the Commission - Georges-Simon Ulrich (Switzerland), Deputy Chairmen - Graciela Márquez Colín (Mexico), Hyoung Il Lee (Republic of Korea), Adnen Lassoued (Tunisia) were elected by acclamation.Within the framework of the meetings, the main report of the UN Secretary-General on the review of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals was presented.The report provides information on the work on the development of a database on global indicators, including a data and metadata repository, and on supporting countries to achieve indicators at the national level, as well as information on the work done by the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.During the session, among other documents, the following reports were also presented:-Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics;- Report of the Secretary on the population and housing censuses;- Secretary's report on open data;- Report of the Secretary-General on climate change;-Report of the Secretary-General on gender statistics. During the session, the importance of the upcoming UN World Data Forum in November 2024 in Colombia was emphasized, within the framework of which, among other things, critical issues of multilateral cooperation in the field of statistics will be discussed.At the end of the session, it was decided to hold the next 56th session of the Commission on March 4-7, 2025 in New York.

07 Mar 2024
The 7th round of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS-7) is being conducted in Turkmenistan

As part of the implementation of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) program for Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, by Decree of the President of Turkmenistan PB-275 dated February 27, 2023, a Work Plan for 2023 was signed between the State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan and the representative office of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF ) in Turkmenistan. In order to implement this plan, from January 10 to April 10, 2024, the State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan is conducting the 7th round of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS-7) in selected households in all regions of the country.The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey is an international-level survey that is conducted using a standard methodology for collecting data common to all countries, developed by international experts. This survey will serve as a source of information to replenish the range of data on indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals and prepare programs aimed at improving the well-being of the country's people in the coming years.Data collection on MICS-7 will take place on electronic devices (tablets) in 6,800 households in Turkmenistan. It is planned that specialists participating in the survey will visit households and gather information by interviewing relevant household members. The survey will be conducted using 5 questionnaires (household questionnaire, questionnaire for women 15-49 years old, questionnaire for men 15-49 years old, questionnaire on children under 5 years old, questionnaire on children and adults aged      5-17 years old).The participation of international experts is planned to monitor the MICS-7 survey.Before the start of this survey, exactly from November 20 to December 18, 2023, a training seminar was held in the building of the central office of the State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan for specialists participating in MICS-7 with the participation of international expert on MICS-7 Tiana Chomic. MICS-7 questionnaires and software (CAPI) were also tested separately in households in urban and rural areas.

09 Jan 2024