Во время своего трудового отпуска Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, Почётный старейшина Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов посетил санаторий «Arçman», где встретился с отдыхающим здесь Управляющим делами Аппарата Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, вице-президентом Благотворительного фонда по оказанию помощи нуждающимся в опеке детям имени Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова Р.Базаровым. Герой-Аркадаг поинтересовался ходом подготовки к очередному заседанию Халк Маслахаты и празднованию знаменательных дат, занимающих важное место в жизни страны.Также врач Аркадаг прогулялся со своими внуками и правнуком по санаторию мирового класса «Arçman», окружённому зелёными насаждениями и отличающемуся благоприятным экологическим климатом.Каждый день года «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги» ознаменован исторически значимыми для Отчизны событиями. При этом большое значение на государственном уровне придаётся укреплению демократических институтов, защите прав человека, всестороннему совершенствованию гражданского общества.Управляющий делами Аппарата Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, вице-президент Благотворительного фонда по оказанию помощи нуждающимся в опеке детям имени Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова Р.Базаров подчеркнул, что для него большая честь встретиться в санатории «Arçman» с Героем-Аркадагом, и отчитался об осуществляемой в настоящее время подготовительной работе к очередному заседанию Халк Маслахаты.Сообщалось также об организации предстоящего международного форума по семеноводству сельскохозяйственных культур, о проведении в рамках мероприятий по случаю 300-летия Махтумкули Фраги Международной конференции «Взаимосвязь эпох и культур – фундамент современного мира и развития», подготовке к очередной конференции Гуманитарной ассоциации туркмен мира по случаю Дня независимости Отчизны и празднованию Дня работников здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности.Герой-Аркадаг акцентировал внимание на значимости заседания Халк Маслахаты как важного механизма государственного управления на основе накопленного многовекового опыта туркменского народа в этой области и реалий времени. При этом, в соответствии с поручением Президента Туркменистана, обеспечение высокого уровня организации очередного заседания Халк Маслахаты, успешное выполнение принимаемых на нём решений определены актуальными задачами.В продолжение беседы Аркадаг Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов поручил совместно с руководителями и специалистами агропромышленного комплекса страны обеспечить всесторонний подход к организации запланированной на сентябрь текущего года в Ашхабаде международной конференции, посвящённой семеноводству сельскохозяйственных культур. Это мероприятие имеет важное значение для освоения передового мирового опыта в АПК и обмена опытом в области инновационных технологий.Отметив необходимость принятия надлежащих мер для проведения на высоком уровне Международной конференции «Взаимосвязь эпох и культур – фундамент современного мира и развития», приуроченной к 300-летнему юбилею поэта-мыслителя, признанному одной из знаменательных дат года «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги», учёный-Аркадаг дал поручение, чтобы в мероприятиях в честь великого сына туркменского народа нашло отражение самобытное национальное искусство.Забота о здоровье людей, их счастливой жизни является приоритетом реализуемой под руководством Президента Туркменистана политики, главный принцип которой «Государство – для человека!», подчеркнул врач Аркадаг, отметив, что подготовка к мероприятиям, запланированным по случаю Дня работников здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности, должна быть на высоком уровне.Что касается конференции Гуманитарной ассоциации туркмен мира, то необходимо уделить должное внимание подготовке к этой конференции, проведение которой стало традицией в дни празднования независимости Отчизны, сказал Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, добавив, что данный форум призван содействовать последовательному укреплению отношений с соотечественниками, проживающими в зарубежных государствах.Р.Базаров отметил, что в основе такой гуманитарной работы лежат благородные принципы, инициированные Героем-Аркадагом и достойно продолжаемые в настоящее время Президентом Сердаром Бердымухамедовым, и поблагодарил за ценные советы, касающиеся празднования знаменательных дат, занимающих особое место в жизни страны, заверив, что совместно с представителями соответствующих структур приложит все усилия для успешного выполнения поставленных задач.Национальный Лидер туркменского народа сделал акцент на исторической, политико-общественной значимости деятельности Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, подчеркнув важность организованного проведения как его заседания, так и других мероприятий.Отмечалось, что в настоящее время представители руководительского корпуса страны и многие наши соотечественники проводят трудовой отпуск, отдыхая и поправляя здоровье на курортах, расположенных как на побережье Каспийского моря, так и в велаятах. В данной связи Р.Базаров выразил признательность Герою-Аркадагу и Президенту Сердару Бердымухамедову за создание всех условий для комфортного отдыха туркменистанцев.Также в стране благодаря начинаниям Героя-Аркадага в настоящее время под руководством Аркадаглы Героя Сердара продолжается работа по всестороннему воспитанию и получению подрастающим поколением современного образования, раскрытия его способностей, которая даёт положительные результаты.Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, Почётный старейшина Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов пожелал успехов в решении поставленных задач.* * *Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, Почётный старейшина Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов, высоко ценящий художественное творчество и наследие великого туркменского поэта Махтумкули, прочитал стихотворения из нового сборника произведений Фраги.Творчество выдающегося мастера слова вызывает у каждого возвышенные чувства. Учёный-Аркадаг подчёркивает ценность произведений поэта для всех возрастов и важность их всестороннего изучения.Герой-Аркадаг, находящийся в трудовом отпуске, вместе со своими внуками и правнуком совершил экскурсию по территории всемирно известного санатория «Arçman». Аркадаг Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов поинтересовался знаниями, полученными ими в период учёбы, их увлечениями, в том числе изучением иностранных языков. Это яркое свидетельство того, что благородные принципы наставничества развиваются в духе современности.Экскурсии по территории санатория оказывают положительное влияние на людей, особенно на детей, сказал врач Аркадаг, подчеркнув, что прогулки на свежем воздухе – в числе главных условий укрепления здоровья. Создание в этом уголке зелёных зон, современных парков, наряду с природными особенностями здешних мест и горным климатом, создают благоприятную атмосферу, а это одна из основных потребностей отдыхающих, которые восстанавливают здоровье в санатории.
Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on labor leave, went for a bike ride in the Avaza National Tourist Zone on the Caspian coast.Currently, Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the promotion of healthy lifestyle principles in society. In this regard, targeted measures are being implemented to protect people’s health, harmoniously develop the younger generation, and provide conditions for comfortable and healthy recreation for citizens, especially during their labor leave. All this is one of the priorities of the socially oriented policy successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which is based on the motto “The State is for People!” proclaimed by Hero-Arkadag.In the morning, the head of Turkmenistan went to the coast. In summer at this time of day in Avaza NTZ– a favorable climate, largely due to the coolness from the sea and the Avaza River in combination with green parks and forest areas, the territory of which has significantly expanded over the past time. At the same time, the measures taken have significantly improved the ecology of the coastal region.A walk along the sea on a bicycle, especially at dawn, has a positive effect on well-being due to physical activity, strengthens the body and gives vigor. The bicycle is recognized as an environmentally friendly and convenient means of transportation, and thanks to the successful implementation of the initiatives of Hero-Arkadag to stimulate and popularize cycling in Turkmenistan, mass bike rides are regularly held on the occasion of significant dates.At the suggestion of Turkmenistan, the UN General Assembly proclaimed June 3 as World Bicycle Day, which is celebrated annually, which clearly demonstrates the relevance of the initiatives put forward by our country for the world community. It should also be noted that in March 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution “Integration of mass cycling into public transport to achieve sustainable development” proposed by Turkmenistan.All this is clear evidence of the recognition by the international community of the significant contribution of our country to the development of the physical culture, health and sports movement, improvement of the environmental culture of society, achievement of the SDGs at the national, regional and global levels.Let us recall that the Guinness Book of Records included “The largest educational cycling lesson in the world” and “The longest regular bike ride”, which took place in Ashgabat in 2018 and 2019, respectively.As for cycling, it plays a key role in popularizing the physical culture and health movement and affirming the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The weather and climate conditions and the existing infrastructure allow us to hold cycling competitions and training camps in our country almost all year round. Bike rides are one of the most popular forms of socially significant events held in many countries around the world in support of various social, sports and environmental projects and ideas. With the active support of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, this sport is actively developing, and significant efforts are being made to popularize mass bike rides.During a bike ride, the head of state admired the beauty of a world-class tourist zone located on the Caspian coast. The favorable climate and the presence of a modern resort and recreation system offering high-class services have significantly increased the popularity of Avaza NTZ.Physical education and sports, active recreation, including cycling, give energy for new achievements, stimulating greater achievements. And in this aspect, cycling is optimal, since it allows spending the leisure time with benefit for the body.Science has proven that during cycling, due to moderate physical activity, the endurance and performance of the human body increase, joints and muscles, as well as the nervous system, are strengthened. Cycling exercise and bike rides help stabilize blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases, and also optimize energy metabolism, increase immunity, and give a long-lasting boost of energy. Rhythmic pedaling stimulates cerebral circulation, which serves as a good workout for the vestibular apparatus and improves concentration.Hero-Arkadag, who as a doctor attaches particular importance to a healthy lifestyle, demonstrated by personal example the enormous benefits of such walks – bike rides, thanks to which a good tradition was established. Under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov – a supporter of active recreation – the bike actions initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people are gaining an increasing number of followers.At the same time, today large-scale measures are being taken in Turkmenistan to maintain environmental well-being, implement the National Forest Program, protect unique flora and fauna, protect and study the biodiversity of the Caspian basin. Cycling, as well as the use of a bicycle as a means of transport, play a significant role in solving the problems in this area, which in the long term has a positive effect on the state of the environment and facilitates the greening of public life in general.
On August 9, 2024, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov had a working visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan to participate in the Sixth Consultative Meeting of Heads of State of Central Asia.The Presidents of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan also arrived in Astana to participate in the Summit. At the invitation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan arrived in the capital of Kazakhstan as a guest of honor to participate in the high-level events.In the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov proceeded to the Akorda Palace where the Head of Turkmenistan was warmly greeted by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.After the joint photo ceremony in front of the official banner of the Summit and the national flags of the participating countries, the Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asian States was held at the Akorda Palace.The meeting was opened by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. During his speech, the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan emphasized the importance of the current Summit, reflecting the intention of Central Asian countries to strengthen fruitful partnership, friendship and good neighborliness.Then the Kazakh leader gave the floor to his colleagues - heads of Central Asian states.At the beginning of his speech, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for hospitality and excellent organization of the Summit.The Turkmen leader noted that these annual meetings have already become a tradition and are always relevant. He also emphasized that during these meetings there is a constructive, open and trusting dialog, which helps to “synchronize watches”, better understand the pressing issues of collaboration and make concrete decisions on this basis.It was also said that as the initiator of the organization of summit meetings in this format, Turkmenistan proceeds from the fact that they should be of consultative nature, a platform for political communication without strictly regulating rules and procedures.The Head of Turkmenistan also emphasized that attempts to draw the region into some spheres of influence, especially into conflicts, to give grounds to doubt the individuality and objectivity of Central Asia as a geopolitical, economic, cultural and civilizational space with a thousand-year history should not be allowed. “Our nations have their own agenda - it is peace, good-neighborliness, brotherhood and cooperation,” said the President of Turkmenistan.In his speech, the Head of Turkmenistan thoroughly described Turkmenistan’s approach to transport issues, noted the importance of strengthening international energy cooperation. The significance of expanding trade, industrial cooperation, partnership in the sphere of small and medium-sized enterprises was emphasized.In his speech, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov informed that the International Forum dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Makhtumkuli Fraghi “Interrelation of Times and Cultures - Basis of Peace and Development” is scheduled to be held in Turkmenistan on October 11.President Serdar Berdimuhamedov invited the heads of Central Asian states to the forthcoming International Forum.In their speeches during the Consultative Meeting, the heads of friendly states emphasized the importance of this format for the dynamic development of fruitful relations between the countries of Central Asia. It was emphasized that this Summit once again demonstrated the commitment of the parties to mutually beneficial multi-vector cooperation that meets the interests of common well-being and progress.A number of documents were signed upon the results of the Summit. These are the Joint Statement on the Outcomes of the Sixth Consultative Meeting of Heads of State of Central Asia, the Concept of Development of Regional Cooperation “Central Asia-2040” and the Resolution of the Sixth Consultative Meeting of Heads of State of Central Asia “On Awarding the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev with the Honorary Badge of the Heads of State of Central Asia”. The Roadmap on Development of Regional Cooperation for 2025-2027 was also adopted.Then the Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia continued in an expanded format. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia, Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Kaha Imnadze participated as guests of honor.During the meeting, it was noted that there are wide prospects for the development of mutually beneficial interstate cooperation in various spheres, effective cooperation between the participating countries on multilateral platforms, as well as within the UN and other respected international organizations.In honor of the distinguished guests, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave an official reception.Having completed the program of his working visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov returned to Turkmenistan.
Сегодня Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов отбыл с рабочим визитом в Республику Казахстан для участия в шестой Консультативной встрече глав государств Центральной Азии, а также в первом Саммите диалога «Центральная Азия – Япония».В Международном аэропорту Ашхабада главу туркменского государства провожали официальные лица.Последовательно претворяя в жизнь внешнеполитический курс, основанный на принципах позитивного нейтралитета и миролюбия, наша страна выступает за развитие многоформатного конструктивного сотрудничества в региональном и глобальном масштабе.В этом контексте показательным примером являются традиционные отношения с государствами Центральной Азии, с народами которых туркменский народ объединяют общность культурных и духовных ценностей, исторически сложившиеся узы дружбы и добрососедства.
В целях дальнейшего развития международного энергетического сотрудничества Туркменистан в настоящее время проводит активную политику, одним из основных векторов которой является тесное и плодотворное партнёрство со всеми заинтересованными сторонами – иностранными государствами, международными организациями, а также ведущими энергетическими компаниями мира.В данном контексте в течение этой недели, названной в международных средствах массовой информации «энергетической неделей Туркменистана», как сообщалось ранее, в национальном нефтегазовом комплексе прошли встречи и переговоры с компаниями из Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов, Республики Корея и ряда других стран, во время которых был обсуждён широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с реализацией крупных и долгосрочных проектов в газовой сфере Туркменистана.В продолжение такой системной деятельности 30-31 июля текущего года по инициативе турецкой стороны был организован визит в Ашхабад министра энергетики и природных ресурсов Турецкой Республики Алпарслана Байрактара.Сегодня турецкий министр был принят Президентом Туркменистана Сердаром Бердымухамедовым.В ходе встречи глава туркменского государства отметил высокую значимость сотрудничества двух стран в энергетике, промышленности, транспорте, коммуникациях и в других сферах и определил приоритеты взаимодействия в газовой, газо-химической, электроэнергетической отраслях, а также чётко сформулировал задачи по практическому осуществлению планов совместной деятельности.Со своей стороны министр Алпарслан Байрактар заверил Президента Туркменистана в готовности Турции к укреплению двусторонних отношений по всему комплексу вопросов, включая энергетическую проблематику.Во время визита с руководителями соответствующих структур были рассмотрены возможности практического осуществления проектов по поставкам туркменского природного газа в Турцию, развитию туркменской нефте- и газо-химической индустрии.В этой связи следует отметить, что ранее турецкие компании в составе международных консорциумов принимали активное участие в строительстве на территории Туркменистана крупных предприятий по производству карбамида, жидкого аммиака, серной кислоты, синтетического бензина (GTG).Опираясь на богатый опыт работы с турецкими компаниями в энергетической области, стороны также обсудили возможности участия турецкой стороны в освоении богатых месторождений природных ресурсов Туркменистана – калийной соли, йода, металлических руд, и созданию здесь современных высокотехнологичных и экспортно-ориентированных производств.Еще одной темой переговоров стали поставки электроэнергии из Туркменистана в Турцию. Подчёркивалось, что одной из ближайших перспектив в этом деле может стать экспорт туркменской электроэнергии в турецком направлении с электростанции мощностью в 1574 мегаватт, строящейся в настоящее время на туркменском берегу Каспийского моря.Как известно, турецкие партнёры совместно с мировыми электроэнергетическими компаниями реализовали в Туркменистане ряд проектов по строительству и вводу в эксплуатацию современных электростанций, на которых производится электричество, поставляемое как на внутренний туркменский рынок, так и в зарубежные страны.В целом, визит министра Алпарслана Байрактара продемонстрировал активную позицию Туркменистана и Турции в контексте углубления двусторонних отношений в стратегически важных областях сотрудничества.
Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, the agenda of which included a number of issues of state life.The first to speak was the Chairwoman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova, who informed about the ongoing work on legislative support for various areas. In particular, it was noted that currently, together with representatives of ministries and industry departments, an analysis of current legal acts and the development of draft laws are being carried out.It was also reported on the meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation of the next forum of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, discuss issues, associated with determining the date of its holding, the creation of the Organizing Committee and approval of its composition, drawing up the agenda and preliminary program, developing relevant documents, providing organizational and methodological assistance to velayat, etrap and city halk maslakhaty, etc.At the same time, it was informed about the meeting held with the new head of the UN Children’s Fund Representative Office in our country, about the participation of Mejlis Deputies in an event, dedicated to the preparation for the Memorandum on the rules of foreign trade in Turkmenistan, a seminar organized by the OSCE Center in Ashgabat, as well as in various actions to explain to the population the key tasks arising from the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country, the socio-political significance of the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, and the goals of the adopted legislative acts. Noting that the development of new draft laws that meet the requirements of the time is among the important tasks of today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need to continue work in this direction.Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H. Geldimyradov reported on the organizational issues of the next 37th meeting of the Advisory Council on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Population of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.As noted, in accordance with the initiative put forward by the National Leader of the Turkmen people at the CIS Summit in October 2017, a Declaration on strategic economic cooperation of the Commonwealth member states was developed. This document was unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Council of Heads of State held in October 2019 in Ashgabat.The Declaration, among the priority areas of activity of the CIS member states, defines the task of further developing cooperation in the field of labor, employment and social protection of the population. In this regard, as reported, relevant work is being carried out to build up contacts with the relevant structures of the Commonwealth of Independent States.Having reported on the results of the meeting, held on June 14 of the current year via videoconference with the participation of representatives of the authorized bodies of the Commonwealth member states, the Executive Committee and relevant CIS organizations, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan a proposal to hold the next meeting of the Consultative Council on October 17-18 of the current year in Ashgabat.Having heard the report, the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that our neutral Homeland is consistently strengthening cooperation with the CIS in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres. Cooperation with industry structures of the Commonwealth is also expanding, the President of Turkmenistan continued, assigning the Deputy Prime Minister to properly prepare and conduct at a high level the upcoming regular meeting of the Consultative Council on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Population of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Ashgabat.Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the work being done to provide the necessary funds for the construction of wells at the Galkynyş gas field of the Türkmengaz State Concern.As reported, uninterrupted supplies of “blue fuel” to neighboring countries are carried out from this field – one of the world’s largest sources of Turkmen natural gas in terms of reserves.In order to develop the Galkynyş field, it is planned to drill and commission additional gas wells at the first stage of its development. In this regard, it was noted that measures are being taken to provide material and technical supplies for this facility.After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the Deputy Prime Minister with instructions related to the acquisition of equipment and materials necessary for drilling new additional gas wells at the Galkynyş field. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atakhallyev reported on the progress of work in the agro-industrial sector, including seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.It was reported that cotton care is currently being carried out in the velayats, in particular, inter-row cultivation, weeding, fertilizing the soil with minerals and vegetation irrigation. At the same time, preparations are underway for harvesting receiving points and agricultural machinery.In order to lay the foundation for the next year’s wheat harvest, plowing and leveling of the land, preparation of seed material, special machines and units that will be used in sowing are being carried out.It was noted that in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, rice crops are being cared for – fertilizing with minerals and vegetation irrigation. In livestock farms in the regions, steps are being taken to further develop livestock farming, increase the number of livestock, and create feed reserves. In order to improve water supply and melioration of lands, rational use of water resources, irrigation and drainage canals are being cleaned.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need to take measures for the comprehensive development of the country’s agricultural sector. In this regard, the head of state assigned to ensure compliance with the established requirements for cotton care, as well as the proper preparation of cotton gins, receiving points and transport for the transportation of “white gold”.Focusing on the importance of proper work to lay the foundations for next year’s grain harvest and land planning, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to keep under review the issues of providing farmers with high-quality wheat seeds and preparing agricultural machinery for the upcoming sowing.In addition, the head of state gave the Deputy Prime Minister instructions to ensure control over the work on growing other agricultural crops in order to obtain rich harvests.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamamedov reported on the measures taken to modernize the activities of the supervised areas. As reported, fundamental reforms are currently being implemented in the construction sector, as in other industries. The work carried out in this sector is carried out on a scientific basis. At the same time, advanced technologies are being widely introduced into production. Based on the Procedure for financing activities to develop a national estimate and regulatory framework and improve the pricing system in construction, a draft of the relevant Resolution was submitted for consideration by the head of state.After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that one of the key tasks is to develop software in accordance with the requirements of the time for calculating the cost of construction and installation works, reconstructions and major repairs carried out in our country. In order to create a State information system for pricing in construction, the head of Turkmenistan signed a corresponding Resolution and, having sent the document to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system, addressed a number of specific directives.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdaev reported on the preparations for holding the International Exhibition and Fair “Kids Expo: everything for children!” in August of the current year.It was reported that the exposition will feature high-quality, environmentally friendly products for children, schoolchildren and students, educational materials, electronic goods from domestic and foreign companies. Along with this, it is planned to organize presentations of innovative developments from well-known companies specializing in this area, which will facilitate the exchange of experience, as well as familiarization with new products in this area. After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that it is necessary to ensure the participation of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers in the exhibition-fair for children, which will be held in the capital on August 19 this year. The Deputy Prime Minister was also instructed to properly prepare for the organization of this international show.Then Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the Procedure for the main events for August of this year.As reported, on the occasion of the announcement of 2024 as the year of the “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, various conferences, round tables, creative meetings, educational events, exhibitions, song and music celebrations are planned for the next month. It is also envisaged to summarize the results of previously announced competitions.During the summer holidays, creative and intellectual competitions, sports competitions will be organized for children and adolescents. In August, the Avaza National Tourist Zone will host cultural and sports events under the motto “Awaza – dostluk mekany”, as well as a forum dedicated to the Caspian Day.Among the main events of the next month, the final rounds of the “Yaňlan, Diýarym!” TV contest in the velayats were named, and the final stage of the “Çalsana, bagşy!” contest in Ashgabat.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the year of “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi” is marked by celebrations highlighting the progressive development of our Homeland. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister was assigned to hold all the events planned for August at a high organizational level. Then Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Orazdurdyeva reported on the preparations for the final state round of the gifted children’s competition “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”, dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.The final round of the creative competition, which is organized in accordance with the Resolution of the head of state on holding a competition for the Presidential Prize of Turkmenistan “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” among literary, cultural and artistic figures, amateur young singers and representatives of the younger generation, will be held in September this year.The stages of this competition, with the assistance of the ministries of education and culture, were held in etraps, cities and velayats. They were attended by 64 creative groups and young singers, a total of 1,011 children. Based on their results, 21 singers, 13 children’s dance, song and music and folklore groups were selected, which distinguished themselves with their high skill in performing songs glorifying our sovereign Homeland. In total, 361 children won the right to participate in the state stage. The final state round of this competition is planned to be held on September 6 at “Türkmeniň ak öýi” in the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat. Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that song and music and creative competitions aimed at developing national culture and art, instilling a love for art in the younger generation, identifying and developing their talents are regularly organized in our country. Having approved the proposal submitted by the Deputy Prime Minister to hold the final state round of the “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri” gifted children’s competition, the head of Turkmenistan ordered that appropriate measures be taken.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the results of the working visit of our country’s delegation to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, undertaken this week.One of the priority vectors of the Homeland’s foreign policy is the development of constructive cooperation with the states of South Asia. Among them is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, relations with which are traditionally friendly. In order to strengthen mutually beneficial bilateral partnership, a number of consultations and negotiations were held in Islamabad during the visit.In this regard, it was noted that the delegation of Turkmenistan was received by the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. During the meeting, issues of developing interstate cooperation in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres were discussed.Key areas of Turkmen-Pakistani cooperation were discussed during the talks with the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif. The emphasis was placed on the implementation of large-scale joint projects – the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, the laying of power transmission lines and fiber-optic communication lines along the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) route.During the visit, bilateral political consultations were also held at the level of foreign ministers. It was noted that Turkmenistan and Pakistan constructively cooperate at the sites of international and regional organizations, providing mutual support for the initiatives and proposals put forward. In this context, the issue of combining efforts to implement Turkmenistan’s initiative to prepare a Global Security Strategy was discussed. An agreement was also reached on joint work to further strengthen partnership in the format of the UN, OIC, ECO and other authoritative organizations.As part of the consultations, an exchange of views took place on topical aspects of the international and regional agenda. The issue of strengthening the legal framework of bilateral relations was also considered in detail. In addition, a meeting of the co-chairs of the joint Turkmen-Pakistani intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation was held, during which a number of proposals were voiced to improve the efficiency of its activities.As part of the visit, negotiations were also organized between the delegation of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Oil of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The subject of an interested exchange of views was the prospects for developing a productive partnership in the fuel and energy sector. Special attention was paid to the implementation of the TAPI gas pipeline construction project. In this regard, an agreement was reached to hold relevant negotiations in the near future. Issues of deliveries of liquefied gas, oil and gas chemical products from Turkmenistan to Pakistan were also considered.Along with this, at the request of the Government of Pakistan, the delegation of our country held meetings with the management of the Frontier Works Organization and the National Logistics Corporation, during which they discussed the possibilities of establishing and expanding cooperation in the areas in which these structures specialize. In particular, National Logistics Corporation expressed its readiness to cooperate with the Turkmen side on road transportation China-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Turkmenistan and further to the countries of Central Asia and the Caspian region. In addition, during the visit, meetings were held with the heads of other government agencies of the friendly country.In continuation of the report, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs submitted for approval of the President of Turkmenistan a number of proposals prepared following the negotiations and for the further development of mutually beneficial cooperation, including on strengthening the political and diplomatic dialogue with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where an important role is given to visits and negotiations at the highest state and government level, on stimulating inter-parliamentary relations, and continuing the practice of regular contacts between foreign ministries. It was also noted that it would be appropriate to develop and adopt a corresponding medium-term Program for the development of bilateral trade and economic relations, to hold meetings of the joint Intergovernmental Commission at least twice a year, involve business communities, scientific institutions and other interested structures of both countries in them, and create a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of decisions taken.Along with this, proposals were made to intensify cooperation in the energy sector, in particular, in the gas industry.With regard to interaction in the social sphere, the importance of studying the possibilities of sending Turkmen diplomats to courses organized by the Diplomatic Academy of Pakistan was noted, as well as the issue of opening a department for the study of the Urdu language at the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction the growing dynamics of Turkmen-Pakistani relations. Emphasizing that negotiations on the development of bilateral cooperation in the political, economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres will facilitate further strengthening the traditional interstate dialogue, the head of Turkmenistan approved the submitted proposals, addressing the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with relevant instructions.Continuing the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that one of the closest neighbors and partners of our country is the Islamic Republic of Iran, relations with which are friendly and fraternal. In this regard, the head of state signed an Order on sending the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Turkmen-Iranian Commission on Economic Cooperation of the Turkmen side R. Meredov on a working visit to Tehran to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of the IRI to be held on July 30 of this year.Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyev reported on the ongoing work on digitalization in the country, the training of specialized specialists and the creation of import-substituting complexes.According to the Implementation Plan of the State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, it is planned to take measures to support small and medium-sized businesses specializing in the creation of national software products and the production of special equipment.As was reported, in this regard, it was studied the feasibility of establishing the production of various servers and technical means for storing data and protecting against cyber threats by the Tehno Merkez Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC). Along with this, in the future, it is planned to provide maintenance and technical support for server devices, as well as the production of equipment necessary for the smart city and smart home systems that meet international standards. Taking such a step will create additional jobs and improve the professional level of employees.In this regard, a corresponding proposal was submitted to the head of state for consideration.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that our Homeland pays great attention to the development of the digital economy, and implements program measures to create import-substituting industries. Having approved the proposal to establish the production of server equipment for data storage and protection against cyber threats in the country, the head of state instructed the head of the agency to continue working in this direction.Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone good health, family well-being and great success in the activities carried out in the name of the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.
On July 24, 2024, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkmenistan Bernd Heinze.Expressing gratitude for the time allocated for the meeting, the diplomat presented his credentials to the head of state and conveyed warm words of greeting from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who addressed wishes of happiness and prosperity to the President Turkmenistan, as well as the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people.Having warmly welcomed the Ambassador to the ancient and hospitable Turkmen land, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov reciprocated his best wishes to the top leadership of the friendly country and sincerely congratulated Bernd Heinze on his appointment to an important post, wishing him great success in responsible diplomatic work on the further development and strengthening of friendly relations between our countries.Particularly highlighting the positive nature of political and diplomatic relations, the head of state noted with satisfaction that Turkmenistan and Germany successfully cooperate not only on a bilateral, but also on a multilateral basis. It was also noted that in recent years cooperation has been successfully developing within the framework of the «Central Asia – Germany» dialogue.According to the general opinion, another priority vector of bilateral relations is partnership in the trade and economic sphere. In this regard, effective interaction in such important areas as industry, agriculture, banking, transport and communications complex, etc. was noted.Particularly emphasizing the productivity of cooperation within the framework of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, the head of the Turkmen state noted the significant contribution of German companies to the development of the economy of our country over many years.During the conversation, which took place in a constructive manner, the importance of further development of established cultural and humanitarian ties, which play an extremely important role in strengthening interstate relations, bringing people closer together and mutual enrichment of cultures, was also noted.Once again congratulating Bernd Heinze on the start of his work in Turkmenistan as the head of the diplomatic mission of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed his readiness to provide the plenipotentiary representative of a friendly country with comprehensive assistance in his work aimed at further strengthening the established fruitful interstate dialogue.
Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting via the digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of the velayats, to consider the progress of seasonal field work in the country.The first floor was given to the khyakim of Ahal velayat, R.Hojagulyev, who reported on the pace of agricultural campaigns in the region.As noted, these days continue to transport the harvested wheat crop from receiving points to elevators and warehouses without loss, plowing fields after mowing, preparing seed material, as well as timely payment to grain growers, organizations and enterprises for the work done.In the areas of the velayat sown with cotton, the crops are cared for, including fertilizing the soil with minerals and vegetation irrigation.At the same time, preparations are underway for sowing winter potatoes, vegetables, melons and other crops.It was also reported on the progress of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the National Rural Program, planned for commissioning this year.After listening to the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of observing agro-technical standards when caring for cotton and proper preparation for planting the future wheat harvest, addressing the khyakim with a number of instructions.The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to ensure the completion of the construction of facilities for various purposes, the opening of which is planned in the region for the current year, at a high quality level and on time.Then the khyakim of Balkan velayat, H. Ashyrmyradov, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.It was reported that the necessary measures are currently being taken to transport collected grain from reception points to elevators and warehouses without loss. For the upcoming wheat sowing, the land is being plowed after mowing and quality seeds are being prepared. Timely payments are made to producers for the harvest handed over to the state, as well as to service organizations and enterprises.In accordance with agro-technical standards, cotton care continues in the velayat.Along with this, preparations are underway for planting winter potatoes and other crops.The khyakim also reported on the progress of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program, planned for commissioning this year.Summarizing the report, head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on conducting current seasonal agricultural campaigns at the proper level, emphasizing that this is one of the conditions for obtaining a rich harvest, and assigned the khyakim to ensure compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for cotton crops, as well as proper preparation of fields for the next seed wheat.In addition, the President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of successfully completing tasks within the framework of the socio-economic development of the country and instructed the khyakim to keep under constant control the quality and timely completion of the construction of facilities for various purposes, the commissioning of which is planned for the current year.The working meeting via the digital system continued with a report of the Dashoguz velayat khyakim S. Soltanmyradov on the state of affairs in the fields of the region.As reported, appropriate measures are being taken to transport collected grain from receiving points to elevators and warehouses without loss. For the next sowing of wheat, the fields are plowed after mowing and quality seed material is prepared. Everything necessary is being done for timely payment to producers for the harvest handed over to the state, as well as to service organizations and enterprises.In areas sown with cotton, inter-row cultivation, vegetation irrigation and fertilizing the soil with minerals are carried out. Agricultural machinery and units are effectively used in this work.Along with this, preparations are being made for sowing winter vegetables, melons and other agricultural crops, including agricultural land, taking into account agro-technical requirements.It was also reported on the progress of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the National Rural Program, planned for opening in the velayat this year.After listening to the report, the head of state noted the importance of conducting seasonal agricultural campaigns at the proper level. To obtain future rich harvests, the khyakim was given a number of instructions regarding the care of cotton in accordance with agro-technical standards, as well as the proper preparation of land areas for sowing wheat next year.The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to keep under constant control the quality and timing of construction of facilities within the framework of the socio-economic country’s development programs, the commissioning of which is planned for this year.Then the khyakim of Lebap velayat Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural work.As noted, appropriate measures are currently being taken to transport collected grain from receiving points to elevators and warehouses without loss. In order to prepare the fields freed from harvest for the next year’s yielding, plowing and leveling are carried out in accordance with agricultural technology standards. At the same time, seed material is procured, and payments are made in a timely manner to producers and service companies for work performed.In the fields of the velayat sown with cotton, inter-row cultivation, fertilizing the soil with minerals and vegetation irrigation are carried out with the effective use of agricultural machinery and units.At the same time, appropriate steps are being taken to prepare for the autumn planting of potatoes and vegetable and melon crops, including sown areas and quality seeds.It was also reported on the pace of construction within the framework of the National Rural Program and the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022–2028 of social and industrial facilities, the commissioning of which is scheduled for this year.After hearing the report, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov assigned the khyakim to ensure control over the preparation of arable areas for the next sowing season and compliance with agricultural technology standards when caring for cotton.In accordance with the programs for the socio-economic development of the country, in order to further improve the standard of living of the people, the head of state assigned the khyakim to keep under review the high-quality and timely completion of the construction of facilities for various purposes, the opening of which is planned in the velayat this year.Then the khyakim of Mary velayat B. Orazov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.As noted, the region is taking the necessary measures to transport wheat from receiving points to elevators and warehouses without loss, as well as for its proper storage. After the mowing is completed, the fields are plowed. Procurement of wheat seeds for next year’s harvest, timely payments to grain growers for the delivered harvest and service enterprises for work performed continue.In the cotton fields of the velayat, soil fertilizing with minerals and vegetation irrigation are carried out.Along with this, work is being done to prepare sown areas and seeds of potatoes, vegetables, melons and other agricultural crops for the autumn season.The head of the velayat administration also reported on the pace of construction of social and industrial facilities under the National Rural Program and the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022–2028, the opening of which is scheduled for this year.Having heard the report and focusing on the importance of timely and organized completion of seasonal field work, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to ensure their implementation in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology, in particular, caring for cotton crops and preparing land for the next wheat harvest.The head of state also gave a number of instructions to the khyakim regarding the quality and timing of the construction of social and industrial facilities as part of the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the country, the commissioning of which is scheduled for this year.Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, reported on the dynamics of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.As noted, in order to properly store the wheat harvest grown by the persistent and dedicated work of our grain growers, work is being carried out in the velayats to transport grain without loss from receiving points to warehouses and elevators. Plowing and leveling are carried out on the vacated fields, and high-quality seed material is prepared for the sowing season.In the country’s fields sown with cotton, inter-row cultivation, fertilizing the soil with minerals and vegetation irrigation continue.Along with this, appropriate activities are being carried out in the velayats in order to prepare for the autumn sowing of land and seeds of potatoes, melons and other agricultural crops.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the priority areas of the currently ongoing seasonal work in agriculture, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to keep the focus on preparing for laying the foundations for the future wheat harvest and proper care of cotton fields.Addressing the participants of the working meeting, the President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of transportation without loss and placement of wheat collected by hardworking grain growers in elevators and warehouses, timely payments to producers and service enterprises for the harvest, proper preparation for the autumn sowing of crops, giving specific instructions.Concluding the working meeting via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants great success in their work.
Уважаемые члены национальной сборной команды Туркменистана!Дорогие спортсмены!Сердечно поздравляю вас с участием в XXXIII летних Олимпийских играх, которые пройдут с 26 июля по 11 августа 2024 года в городе Париж Французской Республики!Желаю вам достойно представлять независимый нейтральный Туркменистан на XXXIII летних Олимпийских играх и поднять спортивный авторитет нашей страны в мире на более высокий уровень!Дорогие спортсмены!В результате комплексной государственной стратегии, заложенной Героем-Аркадагом, в международном спортивном пространстве неуклонно растёт престиж нашей Родины. Проведение в стране различных соревнований, в том числе международного уровня, является одним из важных направлений национальной политики в области спорта. Олимпийские игры, международные соревнования содействуют реализации принципов миролюбия, дружбы и примирения через спорт.Туркменистан стал центром проведения спортивных состязаний различного уровня. Систематическое строительство и ввод в эксплуатацию спорткомплексов, стадионов и других профильных сооружений во всех уголках страны способствуют успешному выступлению наших атлетов на различных турнирах, завоеванию призовых мест.Уважаемые спортсмены!Как известно, сфера спорта, развивающаяся в нашей стране на мировом уровне, выступает в числе приоритетов государственной политики. Построен Олимпийский городок, украшающий прекрасную столицу – город Ашхабад, он не имеет аналогов в регионе и оснащён современным оборудованием. В стране созданы все условия для достойного выступления туркменских спортсменов на соревнованиях мирового уровня, в честь которых будет поднят Государственный флаг.Являясь членом Международного олимпийского комитета, Олимпийского совета Азии, а также Межправительственного комитета ЮНЕСКО по физической культуре и спорту, Туркменистан вносит достойный вклад в развитие олимпийского движения в регионе. Это свидетельствует о дальнейшем развитии в стране спортивной дипломатии.Уважаемые члены национальной сборной команды Туркменистана!Дорогие спортсмены!В эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства особое значение придаётся регулярному проведению массовых велопробегов, физкультурно-спортивных и культурных мероприятий. Всё это повышает престиж любимой Отчизны как страны здоровья и счастья.В период развития национального спортивного движения в основном на вас ложится ответственность за формирование спортивного престижа Туркменистана. Вы своими победами и высокими достижениями в спорте должны продемонстрировать результаты создаваемых на государственном уровне прекрасных условий для юных спортсменов! Твёрдо верю, что вы успешно выступите на XXXIII летних Олимпийских играх, которые пройдут в городе Париж Французской Республики, и высоко поднимете Государственный флаг Туркменистана.Уважаемые члены сборной команды Туркменистана!Дорогие спортсмены!Ещё раз искренне желаю вам достойно представить независимый нейтральный Туркменистан на XXXIII летних Олимпийских играх и добиться больших успехов!Пусть высоко реет Государственный флаг нашей независимой нейтральной Родины над международной спортивной ареной!Президент ТуркменистанаСердар Бердымухамедов.
Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers using the digital system to discuss a number of issues related to the country’s life.The first speaker was the Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan D.Gulmanova, who informed about the ongoing legislative activities.In particular, it was reported on the results of the sixth meeting of the national parliament of the seventh convocation, held on July 13 of this year, at which legal acts were adopted on amendments and additions to the Budget, Sanitary Codes, the Code on Social Protection of the Population, the Laws on Physical Education and Sports, State Scientific-Technical Policy, Scientific Institutions, anti-doping in sports, seed production. Along with this, issues related to the ratification of international conventions and agreements, legislative support for foreign policy initiatives on our country’s accession to them were discussed. The report of the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan was also heard at the meeting.It was informed about the participation of national parliamentarians in seminars organized by the representatives of the Children’s Fund and the UN Population Fund, the International Organization for Migration, the OSCE Center in Ashgabat together with government agencies of our country. In addition, a representative of the Mejlis was delegated to the forum held in the Hague (Holland) under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.In addition, it was reported that people’s representatives take part in events to explain to the general public the key tasks set by the head of Turkmenistan to the industries at an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the main goals of the socio-economic transformations being implemented, the socio-political significance of the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the Homeland.Summarizing the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of modernizing the country’s legal framework, while paying special attention to the preparation of new bills that meet the realities of our time. In this regard, it was emphasized that work in this direction should continue to be effectively carried out.Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H. Geldimyradov reported on the practical steps taken to fulfill the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan on streamlining fees for carrying out actions related to state registration of integrated circuit topologies.As was reported, a lot of work is currently being carried out to modernize, in accordance with world practice, the sphere of intellectual property protection in our country based on the initiatives of the head of state on the innovative development of the national economy. Turkmenistan is a party to 15 international treaties in this area and actively interacts with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).At the same time, the Intellectual Property Development Program for 2021–2025 is being successfully implemented. As part of the implementation of the measures defined in it, the Law of Turkmenistan “On the legal protection of topologies of integrated circuits” was adopted in 2023. According to this legal act, the Cabinet of Ministers establishes the amount of fees for carrying out actions related to the state registration of topologies of integrated circuits, and the procedure for their payment.In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister presented a draft relevant Resolution for consideration by the President of Turkmenistan.After hearing the report, head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need to further improve the scope of intellectual property protection in accordance with best international practices. Having signed the presented Resolution, the President of Turkmenistan sent the document to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system, addressing a number of specific instructions in this regard.Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the progress of modernization of the facilities of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries of the Türkmennebit State Concern, in particular, storage and shipment of liquefied gas.As reported, due to oil refining at the Turkmenistan Oil Refinery Plant, along with various types of petroleum products, liquefied gas is produced. Special tanks are used for its storage and shipment to consumers. In order to increase their capacity, the necessary work is underway to expand the volume of the terminal for transportation, storage and operation of liquefied petroleum gas, located near the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the country pays great attention to the modernization of oil refining facilities, as well as storage and transportation systems for petroleum products.In this context, the head of state noted the importance of further development of the oil and gas industry, increasing the capacity of storage and shipment facilities for liquefied gas produced at the Turkmenistan Oil Refinery, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to continue work in this direction.Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.It was reported that the transportation of harvested wheat from reception points to granaries and elevators with subsequent placement continues in the velayats. In order to lay the foundations for next year’s harvest, the fields freed up after the mowing are plowed and high-quality seed material is harvested.In areas with cotton, inter-row cultivation, fertilizing with minerals and vegetation irrigation are carried out. Steps are being taken to grow and provide the population with potatoes and vegetable and melon products, and to prepare for autumn sowing.Having heard the report and noting the importance of continuing the comprehensive development of the country’s agricultural sector, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to ensure strict control over the transportation of wheat collected in the velayats from receiving points to granaries and elevators.Emphasizing the need to carry out appropriate work to lay the foundations for next year’s harvest and prepare land for sowing, the head of state instructed to keep the procurement of high-quality wheat seeds in sight.The focus of constant attention should be on compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for fields sown with cotton, the head of Turkmenistan continued, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out work to grow a rich harvest of other agricultural crops in accordance with the requirements.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov reported on the progress of digitalization of the activities of the structures under his supervision.As noted, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, comprehensive measures are being taken for the comprehensive development of the country, the successful transition to a digital system through the use of innovative technologies and information and communication equipment that meet international standards.In order to fulfill the tasks outlined in the “State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy of Turkmenistan for 2021–2025,” digitalization is being carried out in the field of utility services provided to the population, and conditions are being created for their payment online.In this regard, it was reported that the Ashgabat khyakimlik developed the “Central Electronic System” project for enterprises providing utility services and gradually launched several programs.With the launch of the project, modern methods of registering residential properties, buildings and citizens have been established. Utility companies can also keep records of their services in electronic format.The portal of digital services of the capital’s khyakimlik (e.ashgabat.gov.tm) and the mobile application “SANLY ŞÄHER” are constantly being improved.The utility payment system is also presented on the unified government services portal (e.gov.tm) and in popular mobile applications.After listening to the report, the head of state noted that our country widely uses the capabilities of the digital system. Utility services offered to the population are constantly being improved, and favorable conditions are being created for citizens to pay for them through a digital system.Focusing on the importance of implementing the “Central Electronic System” project for the digitalization of public services in the capital, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the Deputy Prime Minister a number of specific instructions.Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdaev reported on the organization of school fairs.The trade divisions of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, in collaboration with domestic manufacturers and suppliers of goods for schoolchildren, are working to provide the country’s markets with stationery, school uniforms, tracksuits, shoes, etc.In order to develop the digital system and provide the population with modern services, the delivery of necessary goods through e-commerce will be established through shopping centers, textile stores and private manufacturers.The Deputy Prime Minister said that it is planned to organize a mobile trade of school goods in the velayat and etrap centers of the country, as well as in Ashgabat and Arkadag cities from August 1 to September 5 of this year.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that it is necessary to constantly study the consumer demand of the population and, on this basis, increase the abundance of the domestic market.In preparation for the new academic year, mobile retail outlets should be organized and provided with the goods necessary for schoolchildren and students in full, the head of state said, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out appropriate work in this direction.Then Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the issue of organizing the “Gorkut ata” international film festival in our country. This event, in accordance with the special Plan approved by the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan dated January 4, 2023, is scheduled for November of this year.As reported, within its framework it is planned to hold a forum of leaders of the cinematographic sphere of the Turkic states with the participation of the Secretary General of the International Organization TURKSOY, as well as screening of films of the participating countries of the festival in cinemas and cinema-concert centers of Ashgabat, master classes of famous foreign actors and directors. For the delegates of this event, excursions are planned to Arkadag city, the Seýit Jemaleddin architectural complex, the “Ak bugdaý” national museum, located in Anau city, which was declared as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, the International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex and performances of the Galkynyş National Equestrian Games Group.In order to ensure the organized participation of foreign guests in the international film festival, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted for consideration by the head of state a proposal to hold it on November 4-5 of this year.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that our country is hosting numerous events on the occasion of declaring Anau city as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. Having approved the proposal presented by the Deputy Prime Minister to hold the international film festival “Gorkut ata”, the head of Turkmenistan ordered to take appropriate measures to organize this creative forum at the proper level.Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan B. Orazdurdyeva reported on the preparation of our country’s national team to participate in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, which will be held in the capital of the French Republic – Paris from July 26 to August 11 this year.At the invitation of the President of the International Olympic Committee, athletes in four sports disciplines – judo, weightlifting, athletics and aquatics – will take part in planetary competitions.Currently, relevant work is underway to organize the sending of a sports delegation of our country to France, consisting of 19 people.As reported, on July 22, a farewell ceremony for the Turkmenistan national team is planned to be held at the Sport Hotel in the capital’s Olympic village with the participation of representatives of public associations, national Olympic and Paralympic committees, heads of the country’s sports federations, and student youth.In this regard, a number of proposals regarding the holding of the upcoming important event were submitted to the head of state for consideration.After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that our country attaches great importance to the development of mass sports and physical culture.As the head of state noted, Turkmenistan has accumulated extensive experience in the development of sports both in the country and in the international arena, noting that our athletes regularly participate in international competitions at various levels and take prizes.In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to ensure a high organizational level of the farewell ceremony for the national team of the country, which will take part in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games in the capital of France – Paris.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the preparation of a draft Plan for strengthening international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of renewable energy sources for 2025–2030.It was noted that, guided by the constructive initiatives of the head of state, the Homeland pays special attention to strategically significant tasks of the global agenda, in particular, ensuring energy security, the transition to a “green” economy in connection with climate change, and the rational use of energy resources.Currently, the world’s demand for energy resources is increasing, which is associated with the need to solve pressing issues of ecology and environmental protection.As is known, comprehensive work is being carried out in Turkmenistan to implement the Law “On Renewable Energy Sources” and the National Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy until 2030. Appropriate measures are also being taken to fulfill our country’s obligations arising from the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.In order to enhance fruitful partnership in this area and coordinate activities carried out by relevant domestic ministries and departments at the international level, a number of proposals have been prepared.Thus, it is proposed to develop a draft Plan to strengthen international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of renewable energy sources for 2025–2030. For this purpose, it is planned to carry out close interaction with relevant international organizations, financial institutions, research centers and structures.To discuss the preparation of the draft of this Plan, it is proposed to organize an International Conference in the first half of September this year with the participation of representatives of the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), a specialized agency of the United Nations for Industrial Development (UNIDO), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as well as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Central Asia Regional Environmental Center (CAREC).In addition, it is proposed to send representatives of Turkmenistan on a working visit to Abu Dhabi (UAE) in the second half of September this year to discuss a wide range of issues related to the above-mentioned topics with the leadership of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).In order to attract investments into the country’s economy based on high technologies in this area and innovations, a proposal was made to increase cooperation with the world’s leading companies within the framework of the International Investment Forum of Turkmenistan, which will be held in Ashgabat on September 19–20, 2024.To prepare the draft of the above-mentioned Plan, it is also proposed to create a working group consisting of representatives of relevant ministries and departments.Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan pays great attention to the development of renewable energy sources. Our country has favorable conditions for the practical use of solar and wind energy. In this area, successful interaction is carried out in the context of exchange of experience with international organizations.Having approved the proposals presented, the head of state assigned to begin the relevant work on preparing a Plan for strengthening international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of renewable energy sources for 2025–2030.A number of other issues of public life were also discussed at the meeting, on which appropriate decisions were made.Concluding the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.
On July 17, 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the head of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) office in Turkmenistan, Ms. Jalpa Ratna.Having presented her credentials and expressing deep gratitude for the time devoted to the meeting, the UNICEF representative thanked the head of state for the warm welcome and all possible assistance in the development of established constructive bilateral cooperation, within the framework of which many important joint projects and programs have been implemented in recent years.Having warmly welcomed Jalpa Ratna to the ancient and hospitable Turkmen land, the President of the country first of all congratulated her on her appointment as head of the UN Children's Fund office in Turkmenistan and wished her great success in her work in this responsible position.As emphasized, active cooperation with authoritative international organizations, primarily with the Community of Nations and its specialized structures, is one of the main directions of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan.In this regard, the consistent and highly effective nature of the established relations between Turkmenistan and UNICEF was especially noted. As is known, our state was unanimously elected as a member of the UNICEF Executive Board for 2024–2026, which is the proof of the effectiveness of the country’s long-term interaction with the Children’s Fund.Currently, our partnership is carried out within the framework of the UNICEF country program for Turkmenistan for 2021–2025. This year, ten documents were signed with the ministries and departments of our country, including a work plan in the field of child health, nutrition, early development, social security and inclusive education, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized.During the conversation, it was noted with satisfaction that the legislative framework in the field of child protection is constantly being improved in Turkmenistan. Thus, the National Action Plan for the implementation of children’s rights for 2023–2028 was approved.At the end of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed Turkmenistan’s interest in further continuing a comprehensive partnership with the UN Children’s Fund, wishing the head of the UNICEF Ashgabat office, Ms. Jalpa Ratna, good health and success in her work.